ABC For Kids Wiki
The Hooley Dooleys and Bananas in Pyjamas - Pop and It's Music Time DVD Cover - Copy

"Pop + It's Music Time!" is the 12th ABC For Kids Double Feature DVD. Released by ABCforKidsEnthusiast on November 4, 2017. It was re-released by ABC For Kids Comedian the following year

Song Jukebox & Episode Selection[]

  1. We are the Hooley Dooleys
  2. Hello
  3. You've Got the Rhythm
  4. Ten Fingers
  5. Splashing in the Puddles
  6. Police Car
  7. Peek-A-Boo
  8. Ping Pong Ball
  9. Kangaroo
  10. Hands and Feet
  11. Sailing
  12. The Hooley Dooleys Ball
  13. Photograph
  14. Diddley Dee
  15. Mowing
  16. If I Was
  17. Drums
  18. Everybody
  19. Getting Rhythm
  20. Musical Stairs
  21. Swamp Lake
  22. Take One
  23. Video Clip
  24. Music Box
  25. Dream Time
  26. Lost Voice
  27. Banana Holiday
  28. Dance Mix


  • This is the only ABC for Kids Double Feature DVD to run for 85 minutes, considered this is the shortest running time of the series ever.
  • This is the second ABC for Kids Double Feature DVD to have one of the three oldest Bananas in Pyjamas videos.
  • Released very soon before the resignation of Thomas Condon due to his busy life.
  • This is the only Double Feature DVD not to have any Special Features or bonus episodes. It's just Episode Selection and Subtitles included only.



