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This is the transcript for One Good Turn.


Michael Angelis: Bill and Ben are the most mischievous engines working on the Fat Controller's railway. They are kept busy pushing and pulling trucks up and down the line that runs from the china clay works to the harbour yard. They like to have fun together, and often play tricks on the workmen, but sometimes their teasing ways can get them into trouble. One morning, the Fat Controller came to see them.

The Fat Controller: Important goods have arrived in the big yard. Bill and Ben, I need you to help the other engines.

Bill and Ben: Oh, yes Sir, of course.

Michael Angelis: Replied the twins. They set off happily on their important mission. BoCo was resting in the yard when he heard a pair of familiar whistles.

BoCo: Hmmm.

Michael Angelis: Sighed BoCo.

BoCo: Here comes trouble.

Bill: The Fat Controller told us you were tired.

Michael Angelis: Teased Bill.

Bill: He asked us to take all your trucks for you.

BoCo: You two never stop, do you?

Michael Angelis: Chuckled BoCo.

BoCo: But I'm wise to your pranks and we do need help here.

Michael Angelis: The twins were soon busy pushing and pulling the heavy trucks into place. At last the day's work was done. The twins now became excited. They were going to use the turntable for the first time. Bill went first.

Bill: This is fun!

Michael Angelis: He shrieked to Ben. He didn't want to move off at all. The foreman stopped the turntable.

Foreman: Please make way for the other engines.

Michael Angelis: He ordered. Bill did so, but unfortunately the foreman had accidentally stopped the turntable in the wrong place. Bill was on the wrong track, and there was Ben puffing directly towards him. The engines came to a grinding halt. They gazed grimly at each other.

Bill: I was here first.

Michael Angelis: Said Bill.

Ben: But you're in my way.

Michael Angelis: Protested Ben.

Ben: You'll have to back up again.

Bill: I won't.

Ben: You will.

Bill: I won't.

Michael Angelis: The Fat Controller came to stop the noise.

The Fat Controller: If you don't behave, I shall not allow you here again.

Michael Angelis: The next day, Ben was still grumpy.

Ben: That Bill, imagine getting in my way on the turntable. He's a really silly engine.

BoCo: The way I heard it.

Michael Angelis: Sighed BoCo.

BoCo: It sounded like you were both to blame.

Ben: Phhh! You must have heard it all wrong.

Michael Angelis: The twins grumbled about each other all day. Even kind Edward lost patience.

Edward: All this grumbling spreads bad atmosphere in the yard.

BoCo: You're quite right, and that's why I've come up with a plan.

Michael Angelis: BoCo whispered his plan to Edward then his driver told the Fat Controller.

The Fat Controller: I'll start making arrangements straight away.

Michael Angelis: The next morning he called Bill and Ben into the yard.

The Fat Controller: BoCo is taking a special train to the harbour. His regular heavy goods train is waiting on the siding. You can pull it together.

Ben: But...

Bill: But...

Michael Angelis: Protested Bill and Ben, who were still not speaking to each other.

The Fat Controller: Good. I knew I could rely on you two.

Ben: I'll take the train myself.

Michael Angelis: Huffed Ben.

Bill: Go right ahead.

Michael Angelis: Said Bill. Ben was coupled up to the train of trucks, but they were too heavy for him to move alone.

Bill: Go on.

Michael Angelis: Teased Bill.

Ben: I can't.

Michael Angelis: Said Ben. Then suddenly both twins laughed.

Bill: I don't think we'll take turns this time, Ben.

Michael Angelis: Said Bill.

Bill: I think we'd better pull together.

Michael Angelis: Ben was delighted. It was good to be helping each other. Best of all, it was good to be friends again.
