ABC For Kids Wiki

The World's Strongest Engine is the 141st


Henry ends up having an accident pulling a goods train and is sent to the works to be mended, Diesel is the only spare engine available. The engines are not very happy about this, seeing that they know Diesel is troublesome.

The next day, as Diesel is working at the docks, he brags to the trucks that when the Fat Controller sees how good he is at shunting trucks, he will get rid of steam engines once and for all. The trucks tease Diesel over this as he is shunting them, saying how Henry can move more trucks than he can shunt, so he boasts that he will push them all at the same time.

Diesel arranges a line of twenty trucks, but soon finds he is unable to move them (unbeknownst to him, a shunter has put the brakes on the trucks, which they already know about). Despite his efforts to move them, the trucks do not move, so he decides to pull them instead. But he pulls so hard that he breaks his coupling from the trucks, runs out of control, off the quay and lands onto a barge. Henry, who is now repaired, arrives at the docks with the Fat Controller, who is very cross with Diesel and sends him home in disgrace.

Henry then backs up and after the shunter sets the brakes off, he pulls away from the docks, pulling the line of trucks easily and the engines all agree that even trucks can be helpful sometimes, like helping to get rid of Diesel.


  • Thomas
  • Henry
  • Gordon
  • Percy
  • Diesel
  • Duck (cameo)
  • James (cameo)
  • Oliver (cameo)
  • Big Mickey (cameo)